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Release Timeline View – NextGen

Learn how Timeline View helps teams to oversee and plan releases.

Tamás Párványik avatar
Written by Tamás Párványik
Updated over a week ago


What is Timeline View

Timeline View of releases is an extension of the story map that supports the team’s planning and delivery activities. It also creates alignments and helps communicating and indicating the desired progress. Timeline View enables to oversee the product backlog and plan releases on a larger scale. It opens a new communication scene for the entire product team and for stakeholder meetings as well.

Each releases are associated with a start end and date which can be set in release details panel on the story map, or also open release details and set dates directly on the Timeline View. This will enable to display releases of the story map on the Timeline View in order to become more efficient and generate a higher level overview to see what will be delivered and when.

Overview of the Timeline View

Benefits of the Timeline View

  • provides a higher level overview of the entire expected product delivery process

  • creates alignment and enhances communication among stakeholders

  • helps to effectively oversee the product backlog and plan releases

How to manage releases on Timeline View

How to add a new release on Timeline View

New release can be added directly on the Timeline View from the Release Settings menu. Creating a new release on the Timeline View will also create the release on the story map. Releases also can be created on the story map.

  1. Open releases

  2. Add new release

  3. Name the release

  4. Add bar to new releases

  5. Adjust release start end end date

💡 Tip - Learn more about Release Management.

How to add a bar to existing release

If a new release is created and it has no start end end date properties you can add a bar that will represent the release on the Timeline View and indicates its start and end date. Simply click on “Add bar” next to the release’s name. New bars will appear in the beginning of the line. You can use the “Jump to release” button to quickly find the release.

How to adjust release start and end dates

There are three ways to adjust each releases start and end dates:

  • open release details on the story map itself and edit start and end date of the release

  • open release details on Timeline View and edit start and end date of the release

  • adjust the release bar on Timeline View by drag and drop the bars

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