Filter overview
When the story map contains many cards it can be completed to find what you are looking for at first sight. Filters allow to access cards on the story map that are matching to the set criteria in the filter menu. Filters can drive discussions and this functionality highlights the result of your search by providing a great solution in many different aspect during the product planning processes.
Where to find the filter menu
Filters can be used on the story map in any project phases - in discovery, planning, backlog and even in tracking. Filters have a dedicated settings where filter criteria can be set.
Filters menu on the story map
Filters menu on Release View / Tracking
How to use filters in action
Since filters are working both on the story map and in release view you can keep your selected filters to display results even if you switch between the story map’s project phases - discovery, planing, backlog and tracking / release view.
Let’s see a few examples below:
Example 1 - Filters on the story map
I want to find all cards that was created today to discuss it quickly with the team. To do so, follow the steps below:
open the story map
go to “Filer settings”
select “Created or updates (time)”
choose “Today”
The result of the filter will highlight those cards on the story map that are matching with the filter criteria.
In the filter menu you can also quickly select all cards of the result of your filter criteria by clicking on "Select cards".
Once cards are selected, you can perform multiple cards actions and change properties of the selected cards all at once.
💡 Tip - Learn more about Multiple card actions.
Example 2 - Filters on tracking / release view
I want to find all cards in a specific release that has for example an annotation assigned with the value of “Needs discussion”. To do so, follow the steps below:
open the specific release you want to focus on in tracking/release view
go to “Filer settings”
select “Annotations”
choose “Needs discussion”
Once the filter is selected only matching cards will be displayed. You can even select all cards matching to the filter criteria to be selected by clicking on “Select card”.
Selected cards will be highlighted and multiple cards actions can be performed all at once to change the selected cards’ properties.
💡 Tip - Learn more about Multiple card actions.
You can even return to the story map view, the selection will remain.
What options are available
Created or updated (time)
Filter by color
Filter by annotations
Filter by personas
Filter by states
Filter by assignees
Created by others / Created by me
Last updated by others / Last updated by me
Has details / Has no details
Has estimation / Has no estimation
Has attachment / Has no attachment
Linked to issue tracker / Not linked to issue tracker
Filter by priority
Filter by business value
Filter by effort