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StoriesOnBoard AI — Guide
Gergő Mátyás avatar
Written by Gergő Mátyás
Updated over 6 months ago

In this article, we'll provide an overview all AI Assist functionalities and discuss how you can take the most out of StoriesOnBoard AI.

Purpose of StoriesOnBoard AI

Although StoriesOnBoard AI could be quite effective at building user story maps even from scratch, the main goal of AI Assist is to

  • teach beginners how to build a user story map

  • brainstorm new backlog items (user goals, steps, user stories) for an existing story map

  • save time on writing user stories and acceptance criteria

  • write a short summary of a release for stakeholders

  • write a release summary (or at least provide input)

Take StoriesOnBoard AI as an additional person in your team offering you ideas and assisting with repetitive tasks.

Feature overview

StoriesOnBoard AI beta comes with the following features:

Product context

To put StoriesOnBoard AI into the picture and provide a proper result when you ask something from the AI, you need to specify a few things about your product. This description can be entered individually into each story map — it allows you to experiment with different product ideas or narrow the scope to a product component.

Three mandatory fields must be filled with information:

  • Product type: Enter the category e.g.: SaaS Roadmap tool

  • Purpose: What is the main problem that the product solves? You can summarize it into a single sentence.

  • Key features: What core and key features should be included in the product? For example, inviting teammates, exporting data, etc. You can enter features in a bullet list or separate them with a comma. You don't need to write full sentences.

Additional fields help you give more detail so the AI can brainstorm more refined ideas.

  • Target users: list user personas e.g.: Influencers, Marketing manager — you can enter multiple personas.

  • Platform/compatibility: here, you can tell a bit more about the technical stuff e.g.: web-based software, mobile app, etc.

  • Pricing model: If any payment or subscription related tasks are involved in your product, then share it with the AI.

  • Additional notes: anything you want to tell about the product beyond the provided information.

After entering all the information, the AI will review it and alert you if anything is unclear.

Write user personas

Proper product discovery starts with user personas. StoriesOnBoard AI can generate various user persona options.

To get the recommendations, open the persona menu from the top right toolbar, then click the AI Assist icon.


  • providing different Target Users input in the Product details menu, you can get different recommendations

  • you can easily update or extend the persona attributes in the global persona settings (learn more)

Collect user goals

If you create a new story map, the collect user goals option will immediately appear on the board.

After adding the first user goals, you can collect new goals by clicking the ✨ AI menu on the toolbar.

If you are not satisfied with the result, you can dismiss it and ask for new ideas. Some results might not fit well in your project — they could be out of scope, similar to the existing goals or overlapping with existing goals, etc.

Selected user goals will be added to the backlog.


  • StoriesOnBoard AI always tries to determine the optimal size of a user goal and can adjust brainstormed goals to your needs if you request new goals after adding a few yourself.

  • Frequently repeated or common goals should be added by you: Sign up, manage profile settings, manage subscription, etc.

Collect user steps

In addition to the initial state where the "collect user steps" pop-up is visible, you can collect user steps at any time by opening the "..." menu on a user goal.

Selected user steps will be added to the user goal in the order in which they are clicked on the result screen.


  • Similar to user goals, the results improve if you've already added some user steps to the goal.

  • Some user goals contain a few steps, while others have a broad narrative flow with multiple steps. If the resulting user steps are too small (more like a user story), it means you probably don't need to add more steps.

  • User steps don't always appear in narrative order; after adding them to the story map, you should rearrange them.

  • Always check the resulting user steps before adding them to the board - repeated steps may occur.

Brainstorm user stories

After building the story map's backbone (user goals and steps), you can start brainstorming your first user stories. This feature can be accessed through the "..." menu of a user step.

StoriesOnBoard AI shortens all user stories into a form that fits cards — you can write the standard user story form (As a user... I want to... So that...) into the card details or ask the AI to write it.


  • Existing user stories can also improve results here as well.

Write user stories

Let's dive into the details. If you want to add information to the card's description will, you can ask StoriesOnBoard AI to write the user story in the standard form. The user story will be added to the beginning of the description.

This feature can be triggered directly from a user story card.

Collect acceptance criteria

Asking StoriesOnBoard AI to write acceptance criteria will result in a list of possible criteria. You can add all the brainstormed items or deselect irrelevant ones.

Like user story writing, this feature can be triggered directly from a user story card.

Acceptance criteria will be added to the end of the description.

Write release summary

The primary purpose of writing a release summary is to provide a brief overview of the release's contents. Stakeholders and managers often won't delve into the details and read every user story. This is where StoriesOnBoard AI steps in, as it can generate a 5-10 bullet summary of all the user stories involved in the current release, whether you have 20 or 200 stories.

Write release announcement

To provide a captivating release announcement for each release, you should hit the "Write release announcement" button on the release details.

StoriesOnBoard AI groups user stories into features. You can select either long or short descriptions for a feature. Features marked as 'long' will be presented in individual paragraphs, while those marked as 'short' will be listed at the end of the announcement under the heading 'Other features'.

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