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Multiple card actions

This article is about the activation and usage of the multiple card actions feature of Stories On Board.

Tamás Párványik avatar
Written by Tamás Párványik
Updated over a week ago


Multiple card actions

Performing multiple actions can help to speed up the work in various situations. The same goes for story mapping, so let's take a look at how it works in Stories On Board.

In order to activate the multi-selection feature we just need to hold down the CTRL/CMD key and click on the cards, we'd like to have in our selection group. It is also possible to use the arrow keys on the keyboard to navigate, then add cards to the selection with the "S" key. The selected cards are marked by a blue outline.

There are two other ways to select cards. It is possible to select all the cards of a release from the release dropdown menu.

The last option is to use the search and filter feature and select the filtered cards.

Edit multiple cards:

Once we have at least one card selected, an action menu will show up on the right side of the board.

In this menu, we can perform actions like moving the cards between releases or columns, changing colors, sending cards to an integrated tool like Jira, and so on. If we have estimations on the cards we can see the aggregated estimation of the selected cards.

The last option in the menu will clear the selection, and the hotkey for that is "X" on the keyboard.

Removing cards:

It is also possible to remove cards from the selection one by one the same way we've added them, holding the function key and clicking on the cards or by navigating with the arrow keys and using the "S" key.

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