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Trash Bin

Recover your deleted cards using the Trash Bin feature of StoriesOnBoard

Tamás Párványik avatar
Written by Tamás Párványik
Updated over a week ago


In many cases, users are deleting cards from their board by accident, or it turns out that they need some of the stories that were deleted before. These are the situations when our trash bin feature comes in handy. So let's see the ease of its use in practice.

Activity panel:

The deleted cards can be found on the "Activity" panel when you hover the mouse on the delete activity:

Clicking on "restore from trash" will give us three options:

  • Restore the card to its original position

  • Delete the cards permanently ( this option will delete the card for good)

  • Cancel the action

Few words about the restoration:

The result of deleting a higher level (blue, yellow) card is deleting all the children of it. However, restoring that parent card will also bring back all of its children to the board.

It is possible that we like to restore a story card which was a child of a higher level card also deleted. If we like to restore the child card and there is no parent for it anymore, a new column will be generated for the card we like to restore.

If the deleted cards were connected to other tools (Trello, JIRA, etc.) their statuses will be updated until they are in the trash so the changes made in the other tool will be visible when we restore the card in StoriesOnBoard.

How to empty the trash bin?

There is one more option related to the trash, but it is only visible for the admins of the board in the upper left "All board settings" menu. There the admins can empty the trash bin and delete all the cards in it permanently. 

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