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How to link multiple releases to a roadmap card
How to link multiple releases to a roadmap card

Learn more about how you can connect multiple releases to a roadmap card.

Tamás Párványik avatar
Written by Tamás Párványik
Updated this week



You can link multiple releases from story maps to the same roadmap card, giving you a clearer and more holistic view of your progress. This helps you group large functionalities or product components across several releases for better organization and tracking.

How to link releases to a roadmap card

You can create a roadmap from scratch or based on your existing product backlogs and link existing releases automatically on creation.

💡 Tip - Learn more about Create a release roadmap from a story map.

Step-by-step guide to link releases to a roadmap card

  1. Create a release

  2. Create a new roadmap card (or open an existing one)

  3. Select the "Update releases" option

  4. Select which releases you want to link to the roadmap item

To get started with linking multiple releases to your roadmap card/initiative, create or open a release or portfolio roadmap. Create a new roadmap card or select an existing one and click on "Update releases".

Then select releases you want to link tho the roadmap card and save your selection to update the connected releases and reports.

Link releases from multiple story maps
You can even link releases from multiple story maps to a single roadmap card, making it more flexible than ever. To link new story maps to the roadmap visit the "Settings" menu on your roadmap and select the required story maps.

After linking all releases to the roadmap card you will be able to see each release highlighted with their own status report. It is also possible to open the story map where the release takes place to access the big picture or jump to the release view interface to access release specific user stories on a Kanban style board.

How the reporting works for multiple releases

If you want to use the report with estimated efforts, make sure that all the linked story maps have the same estimation unit.

How to update estimation unit on the story map

  1. Open the story map

  2. Visit the "Settings" menu

  3. Select "Story map settings"

  4. Update estimation unit

Reporting overview

When you link multiple releases to a roadmap card, both the roadmap card’s progress bar and the status report in the card details will show the summarized progress of all linked releases.

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