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April 2024

Attach insights directly to story cards

Gergő Mátyás avatar
Written by Gergő Mátyás
Updated over 10 months ago

April 29

Custom AI Templates

Unleash the power of StoriesOnBoard AI with custom AI templates. Custom AI templates allow you to create an AI function for content you frequently use during specification.

The opportunities are endless; ask AI to write subtasks, test cases, requirements, additional ideas, etc... Plus, you can influence the end result as well by giving formating examples or templates to StoriesOnBoard AI.

You can create and initiate the custom AI functions by clicking the Add Custom AI content in the card details.

📖 Read the complete guide to get tips and tricks here.

⭐️ This feature is available only in STANDARD (and above) and PLUS (and above) subscription plans.

April 24

Attach insights to user stories

From now you can seamlessly push and attach an insight to a story map's card. Organizing insights on the backlog item where they belong helps you avoid leaving a user request outside the track. Plus, this could help the product team better understand the user story.

You can link an insight directly from the insight inbox by clicking "Link to a story map" and then selecting a story map and a story map card.

When the insights are already linked to the story card, you can easily access them by switching to the Insights tab on the card detail.

Important notes:

  • if you link an insight to a story map card, it removed from the insight inbox

  • if you unlink an insight from the card it goes back to the insight inbox

This feature is only available in product management plans (Personal, Plus, Premium)where the Insights Inbox feature is also available.

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