September 8
Assignees on the story map
Based on your request, we started extending our product with the assignee feature. First, it's added to the story map, so you can assign cards to team members included in the story map.
To add/update/remove an assignee, open a card and click on the assignee row on the right side.
Assigned members will be notified immediately, plus they'll receive notifications when the card is updated.
To find which cards are unassigned or which cards are assigned to you, we added additional filter options to the 'Search&filter' menu.
This feature is available in all subscription plans.
Stay tuned - we'll extend the assignee feature to the release view and the roadmaps as well.
Attachment and image preview experience
Similarly to the story map card, we massively improved the attachment experience in the following cards:
roadmap cards
story cards in the release view
Now you can add an attachment to the roadmap card using drag and drop. Thumbnails are also highlighted in all image-type attachments, so you can quickly navigate across the attached screenshots and mockups.
Clicking on the attached image opens the image within StoriesOnBoard, where multiple tools like zoom and rotate features are added.
Release view updates
in addition to moving all cards of a column to another release, we added a function that moves all cards to another column within the current release
tooltip with the parent cards has been removed
you can add or remove labels directly on the card by clicking on the "..." icon
Misc IMP
Roadmaps - add or remove releases without opening a card by clicking on the "..." menu
Insights - creation date is highlighted in the insight details
Idea board - a new filter option is added, now you can filter cards that don't have labels
Main navigation bar - you can collapse the main navigation bar on the left side to gain more space for your boards.