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July 2022

Tons of updates on the Roadmaps and minor UI updates

Gergő Mátyás avatar
Written by Gergő Mátyás
Updated over a week ago

July 26

Global personas updates

Although the workspace-wide reusable global personas went live a few weeks ago, we have already added some cool new features. Global personas are great solutions for creating a user persona that will be used on multiple story maps.

First, the persona menu is now on the main sidebar. When you want to start a persona discovery session, you can simply enter the menu and create a new persona.

To add more info to your persona card we extended its description with two additional fields: Pain and Goals. Plus, you can add, rename and rearrange fields by drag&drop—markdown formatting is supported.

Following the most powerful persona card templates, you can add a Personality section that allows you to describe personas with sliders.

To customize the persona card's structure, go to the Settings menu on the personas list page.

Pro tip: personality sliders can be used in two different ways:

  • you can add two labels or

  • you can add a single label to the slider.

User rights

  • workspace admins can create, update personas and manage the persona settings

  • workspace admins can limit editing rights (persona and settings) to admins

  • workspace members can create, update personas and manage the persona settings by default (editing rights can be limited by a workspace admin)

  • observers can view the personas in read-only mode.

This feature is available in Standard and Pro plans.

July 21

Smart idea suggestions

Wanna speed up your feedback processing? Here's the deal:

Our latest improvement will provide you with three suggestions when you link the feedback to one of your ideas. We – and the suggestions engine 🤖 – try to follow your habits and trends to offer the best options.

Suggestions become even more accurate if you use the feedback management intensively.

In addition to suggested ideas, you still have the opportunity to pick the right idea manually by choosing one from the list or finding it via search.

This feature is available in all plans.

July 14

Quickly create a roadmap from the story map

Most of our users have plenty of great story maps, so we added a shortcut to create an appealing roadmap from any of your story maps.

Click on the Roadmaps button on the top navigation bar where you can create a brand new roadmap or jump to a roadmap where the story map is linked.

After choosing the 'create new' option you'll enter the roadmap wizard that helps you to build the roadmap.

Feel free to test the new feature! Making changes on the roadmap won't mess up your story map!

July 7

Roadmap updates

Based on your requests, we added a bunch of new features to the roadmaps. Let's see what has been improved:

  • Collapse swimlanes
    Need more space? Simply collapse swimlanes that are out of your scope (similarly to story map releases). Collapsed swimlanes can also be rearranged with drag&drop.

  • Zoom
    To provide a high-level overview of your roadmap, we added a zoom feature that allows you to choose from one of the three predefined card sizes. Note: Card labels are minimized on the smallest card size.

  • Release start/end date on the card
    Start and end dates are visible when you hover over a progress bar; we added this information to the card to see start and end dates without hovering over multiple cards.

  • Release start/end date in the roadmap card details

    This information is now available in the roadmap card details as well

  • Copy roadmap
    Want to duplicate a well-structured roadmap? Simply hit the "…" menu in the roadmaps view and create a copy with a single click.

  • Archive roadmap cards
    Keep your roadmap organized by archiving delivered items. Archived cards help you keep all the crucial information you already added (linked items, descriptions, attachments, comments).

Minor updates

  • sidenav UI updates

  • Release view button on the story map and in the roadmap card detail

  • bulk delete archived ideas

  • bulk delete archived roadmap cards

  • start/end date on Release view

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