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Roadmaps features

A detailed list of roadmap features

Gergő Mátyás avatar
Written by Gergő Mátyás
Updated over a week ago


Creating a roadmap

When you hit the 'Add new roadmap' button a wizard pops up that helps you set up the right roadmap and structure, plus it offers quick add options too.

STEP 1. You should select a roadmap template. Feel free to click through all the templates and get a short intro to each type of roadmap. There are two main types of roadmaps: one of them works with epics (columns) and the other one works with releases (rows). If you choose one of them, you can't convert your roadmap into the other structure.

Although you are not allowed to switch between structures, you can start with a 'single-story map' template (items are linked from one story map), to a 'multi-story map' template (you can add items from multiple story maps).

STEP 2. Select a story map source (or sources)

STEP 3. Use the quick add features if you want to import all epics or releases from the story map(s). You can skip this step and add items manually.

Note: the quick add option always pops up when you add a new story map source

Buttons on the roadmap


This feature allows you to add observers to the roadmap.

Note: all workspace members can access the roadmaps.


In the Settings menu, you can rename the roadmap and update sources: you can unlink a story map and add a new story map.

'Single-story map' templates can be upgraded here to a "multi-story map' template. After clicking on this button, you can add additional story maps as sources.

Columns and swimlanes


Use columns to organize your backlog items. There are multiple ways to set up the column structure on the roadmap. Here are the most popular structures:

  • time-based: if you are working with deadlines or quarterly goals, choosing the Q1-Q2-Q3-Q4 structure will be easy-to-understand to every stakeholder. It's helpful in building a shared understanding among internal teams. E.g.: the marketing team can plan the upcoming months or quarters.

  • priority-based: if your team is just delivering what's on the top of the priority list, you can organize items into the NOW-NEXT-LATER groups, so you can communicate what's on the dev team's table and what will come next. Plus, the 'Later' column shows the low-priority items

  • process-based: this template is useful to communicate the progress to the internet teams or to the executives. So they can monitor what's happening in the dev team, what will come next, and what is already delivered.

On top of that, you can have your own column structure by adding new columns and arranging them in the right order by drag&drop. New columns can be added right after the last column, or you can insert a new column by clicking on the "..." icon on a column.


Swimlanes add a secondary dimension to your roadmap. If you link items from multiple story maps, everything is separated into swimlanes based on the story maps.

A few ideas for using swimlanes:

  • product or product component (based on story maps)

  • teams (eg: Dev team 1, Dev team 2)

  • product goal (eg: improve trial-to-paid rate, reduce churn rate)

Swimlanes can be rearranged by drag and drop.

Roadmap card

A roadmap card has two states. If there is nothing linked to the card you can see only a title on the card and labels if they are added.

After linking an epic or release to a roadmap card, a progress bar appears on the card which helps you in tracking user stories related to the linked epic or release. Hovering over the progress bar you can get a quick overview of the status.

User stories are grouped into 'status categories' based on your custom workflow settings in the story map. Estimations are also summarized and it's highlighted when there are unestimated cards. If you need a detailed status report, you have to open the roadmap cards.

Labels can be created, added, or removed in the "..." menu.

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