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May 2022

StoriesOnBoard product updates in May. Roadmaps, release view updates, global personas, Excel import-export updates.

Gergő Mátyás avatar
Written by Gergő Mátyás
Updated over a week ago

May 25

Global Personas

Say hello to global personas!

In order to make personas reusable, we added the global persona feature which can be opened from the story maps screen (next to the manage story maps button).

note: Only workspace admins and subscription admins can access this view to create and update global personas.

All the personas added to this view are available on all story maps and synced when the administrator updates them. In addition to global personas, story map users still have the opportunity to create local personas on the story map.

To make the persona discovery process more effective we added two more fields to the persona card: 'Goals' and 'Pains'.

This feature is available in Standard Plan or above.

May 12

Excel export/import updates

To avoid data loss we massively improved the excel export and import features. You can put annotations and card colors in Excel columns. Moreover, second and third-level cards' personas are also added to the spreadsheet.

Plus, everything works properly back and forth—so importing an excel file will add all new data to the cards.

User story templates

User story templates give the opportunity to set up pre-made text for newly created cards. It helps you to keep the same style and structure on the cards, plus it saves you a lot of time.

May 9

Roadmaps - private beta

The first version of the roadmaps is now available in private beta mode. Feel free to message us via in-app chat to turn on the feature on your workspace.

Three roadmap templates are available:

  • simple roadmap - create a structure of your preference by using custom columns, swimlanes, and roadmap cards

  • release roadmap - create a roadmap with a few clicks from your story map by visualizing both running and planned iterations

  • portfolio roadmap - have a high-level overview of multiple story maps' releases

How roadmaps work

  • you can create a new roadmap at any time

  • if you choose the 'release roadmap' or the 'portfolio roadmap' you can select the story map source(s)

  • after selecting at least one story map source you can create a card automatically from each release OR

  • you can create cards manually and link releases later

  • if a release is linked to a roadmap card you can track the development by the progress bar (Tip: hover the progress bar for more information) or you can open the card for a detailed status report.

  • Although release detail is attached to the card, you still have the opportunity to create a custom description for each roadmap card

  • Swimlanes can be used for separating story maps, products, and components

  • If you use the swimlanes for teams or team members this view can help you in planning the team's capacity

User permissions

  • all team members (editors and admins) can create a new roadmap, plus, they can open and edit all the other roadmaps

  • observers can open a roadmap only after they have been added to it in the Share menu. (you can only add observers who are already added to the workspace)

Are you interested? Don't forget to message us and request free access to the private beta!

P.s. more templates and features are on the way!

May 6

Release view updates

  • editing user story estimation from the release view as well

  • adding and removing annotations in the release view

  • minor UI fixes

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