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Story Map Templates

This article is about Story Map Templates and will help you to find and use this handy feature of StoriesOnBoard.

Tamás Párványik avatar
Written by Tamás Párványik
Updated over a week ago


Where can you access the Story Map Templates?

Templates can be very useful if your team is dealing with many similar projects in a row. Dedicated template maps can help with this situation in StoriesOnBoard.

The templates menu is located on the top menu bar where you can create your new templates.

The template will contain:

  • collaborators

  • card colors

  • annotations

  • personas

  • story cards

  • custom statuses

Creating a new template

When creating a new template, you can give a name for it and choose if the template will be workspace visible (all team members can use the template) or private (only the assigned team members can use the template).

The template story map is similar to a normal map but comes with limited settings focused on the relevant presets for a template.

If you have a template, you can create a new story map based on it from the story map creation menu.

If you don't have any templates yet, choosing this option will lead to a notification to create templates.

Create a new story map based on a template

It is also possible to create a new story map based on a template from the templates window, by clicking on the "Use template" button.

Create a template from an existing story map:

It is possible to create a template from an existing story map. That will create a new story map template and the sample map for the template will remain as it was.

Please feel free to contact our support team if you have any questions regarding the Story Map Templates or any other topic.

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