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Trello Power-Up setup

In this article we will show you how to set up and use the StoriesOnBoard Trello Power-Up.

Tamás Párványik avatar
Written by Tamás Párványik
Updated over a week ago



The StoriesOnBoard power-up in Trello grants you a much better workflow using the tools together. Like that, you can have a better high level and structured overview of your Trello lists in StoriesOnBoard and beside the basic integration features you can follow details in Trello like goal, step, release details and advanced estimation management. 

In order to make the power-up work, first you need to add it on your Trello board from the menu on the right side:

For users without StoriesOnBoard account 

If you don't have an existing SoriesOnBoard account, you can start a 14 days free trial. Like that, you will go trough a simple setup wizard and at the end you will get the following window:

If you choose "Sync your Trello cards" the integration will be set up automatically and a story map will be created with all your cards and data from Trello.

For users with StoriesOnBoard account

Otherwise you will go for "Setup Power-up on your existing integration" and you'll need to have an existing Trello integration set up to use the power-up.

Trello will ask for a Power-Up integration identifier:

Now you need to open StoriesOnBoard and go to the integration settings:

And link the desired Trello board to your stors map:

Please make sure to save your integration settings after you linked the board.

You will find your Integration identifier on the bottom of the integration settings which you need to copy and paste in Trello:

After a successful authentication, the power-up should be up and running.

Let's see what can be displayed on a Trello card using the power-up:

The display can be customised in the Power-up settings menu:

The settings window is quite self-explanatory:

There are two things I'd like to give some more details about. The first one is the estimation editing options. Estimation editing will only work properly if it is enabled both on Trello and StoriesOnBoard sides, so make sure that these options are turned on (they are by default but worth a check if the estimation sync isn't working):

There are two ways to determine estimation, the default is the Fibonacci numbers and like this on the cards estimation filed only these numbers can be used.

If you enable Custom story points you can give an estimation interval like "1-50" and on the cards estimation field any number in that interval can be entered.

In case the estimation point is higher than the number given in the "Mark big (splittable) stories" field, the card will be marked by the estimation get a colored background:

Another interesting option could be "Filter colors & annotations":

It can be useful if you like to show specific colors or annotation on the cards. For example there are cards in StoriesOnBoard need more details and they are marked with the annotation "Need more details" you can choose that annotation in the filter and you will see only that annotation on the cards. It is the same with card colors.

💡 Tip - Learn more about:

Trello Power-Up integration identifier

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