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Advanced Jira integration

In this article, you can read about some advanced and security features when setting up integration with Jira

Tamás Párványik avatar
Written by Tamás Párványik
Updated over a week ago


Display JIRA issue keys on cards

This small but convenient feature allows you to display JIRA issue keys on your cards on your storyboard. You can enable it by selecting Show linked JIRA keys on cards in your storyboard's tool integration menu. You can hide these keys with the same link if necessary.

This feature allows us to place a link on your JIRA issue page that points back to the card in StoriesOnBoard. This makes navigation between both tools really simple and convenient. To enable this feature go to the issue tracker integration tab of the board settings page and select the Add StoriesOnBoard card link to JIRA issue option.

The link to the card will appear in the issue links section on your JIRA issue's page

Importing issues using JIRA Query Language (JQL)

Advanced import filtering enables you to define a custom JQL filter that lets you limit the imported issues to those that match your query. This can be especially useful if you're importing from a large JIRA project but only want to focus on a certain set of issues. Creating a JQL filter based on a custom field or component is easy but we support Atlassian's JQL for more complex solutions as well. 

To set up the import filter go to your story map's issue tracker integration settings found in your board settings and click on the Advanced import filter configuration with JQL near the bottom of the page. A text box will appear in which you can write the JQL expression you want to use during imports. We've placed a link under the text box which helps you test your filter. Clicking on this link opens a new tab with your JQL filter and the matching JIRA issues. If all is well return to our page and save your settings. The filter will be applied the next time you import your issues.

Please take into consideration that by default we only import issues from your linked project, however using a custom JQL expression you might leave the scope of your project and import more issues than expected. We recommend you test your JQL expression in JIRA to preview the results. Importing thousands of issues with a careless JQL expression will create an unmanageable number of unscheduled cards.

Adding custom JIRA fields to cards

Adding custom JIRA fields to cards can help StoriesOnBoard meet the requirements of your existing JIRA workflow. You may set up rules for certain fields you have in JIRA and set default values for each one. Next time a new card is sent to JIRA the fields of the created issue there will get the values you defined here. We hear that many JIRA workflow configurations require a Component or label to be set for each issue created. This feature of StoriesOnBoard supports just this and can be used for similar needs as well.

To configure your additional fields and values visit the Issue tracker integration tab of your board settings page and begin adding fields under the Export options segment. We will read the list of available fields from your JIRA account to help you. To add a new entry click on the add new link and select the desired JIRA field and set a value for it.  

We support variables in label type fields. The following pictures show a collection of supported variables. The variables will be replaced with their actual values when you send your cards to JIRA and the issues are created.

Click on the remove link to delete an unwanted entry. The required fields for creating JIRA issues will be added automatically and cannot be deleted.

Save your settings and synchronize your cards for the changes to take place.

Impersonation for a smoother workflow and better activity monitoring

If your story map collaborators have JIRA accounts enabling impersonation will extend the JIRA synchronization process so that every update your collaborators make on the story map will be synchronized with JIRA on behalf of their accounts. This can improve transparency in your workflow. This option requires authentication for JIRA from every active collaborator. After you enable this option we will ask every collaborator to authenticate themselves in JIRA next time they open the story map. Collaborators who do not have JIRA accounts or decide not to authenticate will be limited to read-only access on the story map and won't be able to make changes to it.

The following dialogue will appear for your collaborators. By clicking on the Authenticate in JIRA button a new popup will appear in which they can authenticate in JIRA and confirm the required privileges. 


💡 Tip - Learn more about:

To set up integration with Jira, please read the article below:
Setting up synchronization with Jira

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